
When dealing with small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), trade, government departments and international customers, a quotation function can offer additional value not generally available on B2C websites. There are many reasons for a trade user to create a quote. Some may be related to:

  • Compliance - they need quotes from different suppliers as part of corporate governance; they may also use this as a form of approval as a part of their internal buying procedure.
  • Assistance request - they want to buy a specific product but are unsure if accessories or consumables etc are required. A quotation can be an opportunity for your sales staff to upsell and convert a quote into an order.
  • Freight request - the customer wants to buy a product and would like to confirm the shipping costs and lead time before proceeding.
  • Better pricing - the customer wants to buy a large quantity of multiple items and would like a sales rep to review for better prices;
    • Or they may have seen a competitor's product but would prefer to buy yours if you can price match or start a conversation about why your product is better. (NOTE - Adjustment of pricing must currently be done in the ERP and the quote re-integrated.)

Quote Modes

Quotation modes available

Which quote mode your ecommerce site should implement depends on the combination of several factors, e.g., is quoting is to be done in the ERP or online, what ERP is used, how freight should be handled, and whether to allow customers to use an approval process. If your business uses Pronto, the standard mode can be self-configured. All options need consultation with Commerce Vision.

  • standard: can be self-configured by Admin (if used with Pronto). Access is set by Role. Note that freight is not calculated in the quote. 

  • standard and approved: standard mode integrated with the online approvals feature 
  • standard and Pronto approved: standard mode integrated with Pronto quote approval system 
  • advanced with freight: this mode includes freight calculations customised to your specific freight solution 
  • Pronto approved: (for use with Pronto only) - this mode integrates with the Pronto quote approval system
  • Pronto freight approved: (for use with Pronto only) - this mode integrates with the Pronto freight system 
  • online only: a mode that is completely maintained on your Commerce Vision website
  • online with appproved: the online mode integrated with the online approvals feature 

*Solutions that integrate with non-Pronto ERPs can also be implemented. 

Additional Information

Minimum Version Requirements




Self Configurable


Business Function


BPD Only?




Third Party Costs


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