
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), is a commonly accepted form of payment online, particularly for B2B customers.  Using this guide, Customer Self Service can be configured to accept EFT payments from online users.

  1. Enable EFT Payments at the System level.
  2. Add the 'Release Payments' page to the required menu(s).

EFT Order Payment

If your site is running on the Best Practice Design (BPD) framework, refer to this document instead: EFT Payments on CV ecommerce

Step-by-step guide

  1. Enable EFT Payments at the System level: 
  1. Login as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to 'Settings' --> 'Settings' (/zSettings.aspx).
  3. Click the 'Orders' tab.
  4. Click the 'Credit Cards' tab.
  5. Confirm the site is configured to accept credit card payments (If these are not accepted, EFT payments can't be either).
  6. Tick the 'Allow EFT Payment' setting.
  7. Tick the 'Hold Bpay & EFT Payment' setting if required.
    • Holding EFT payments ensures a Cash Receipt is not created until the payment is released in the 'Release Payments' screen (see How to release EFT and BPAY Payments for instructions).
  8. Populate EFT Bank Details:
    • EFT Bank Name
    • EFT Bank BSB
    • EFT Bank Account No
  9. Tick the 'Enable EFT Order Payment Option' setting (unless EFT should be for Account Payments only).
  10. Tick the 'Auto Integrate BPAY EFT Order Payments' setting if required.
    • Automatically integrating EFT payments means the sales order will not be held until the payment is released via 'Release Payments'.
  11. Click the 'Update' button to save changes.
    System Settings - EFT Payments 

2. Add the 'Release Payments' page (ReleaseCustPayments.aspx) to the required Role menu.  Refer Adding a new menu item for instructions.

Menu Editor - ReleaseCustPayments.aspxRelease Customer Payments

Customers with credit card payments enabled will now have the EFT option available to them as well. See How to enable Credit Card payments for customers for further information. 

Optional Settings

It may be desirable to deny EFT access to certain roles, leaving them with credit card payment options only. This can be configured at the role level.

Keep in mind that Role settings will override the System settings.

To Update Role Level EFT Settings:

  1. Login as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to 'Accounts' --> 'Role Management' (/zRoles.aspx).
  3. Select the required role via radio button. 
  4. Click the 'Functions' tab.
  5. Click 'Modify'.
  6. Update the values for Role Based EFT Options as required:
    • EFT Role Payment Mode:
      • Enable role-based EFT - enables EFT payments for the role, utilising the settings at role level (overriding system settings).
      • Deny EFT to users in this role - excludes users in this role from accessing EFT payment functionality, even if it is enabled at the System level. 
    • EFT Payment Instructions Template - page type template, example of use shown below
      EFT Payment Instruction Template - example of use
    • EFT Bank Details Resource Code - the Resource Code for the Resource containing the format string used to render EFT bank details for this role.
    • EFT Bank Name
    • EFT Bank BSB
    • EFT Bank Account No  
  7. Click 'OK' to save. 
    Role-based EFT Options 

Custom templates can also be assigned if required, which override the system defaults.

To Assign Custom EFT Templates:

  1. Login as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to 'Content' --> 'Assign Default Templates' (/zAllocate.aspx).
  3. On the 'Defaults' tab, update the following as required: 
    • EFT Payment Instruction Template - page type template, example of use shown below.
      EFT Payment Instruction Template - example of use
    • EFT Order Payment Instruction Template - email template, example of system default shown below.
      Sample default EFT Order Payment Instruction Template (email)
  4. Click the 'Update' button to save changes.