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New Features

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    Mega Menu content using subtemplates — Subtemplates can now be used within content zones in the Mega Menu. With subtemplates, instead of editing content for a category menu item with HTML, you can place widgets on a template assigned to that category zone. This means that you can also filter the widget's content display by Layer.
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    Export Cart lines to CSV — Some of your larger customers running ERP software may require the ability to put a shopping cart together online, and then export those items into a spreadsheet or CSV file.

    They upload the CSV file into their ERP system to generate a purchase order for those goods. 

    These customers will be happy to know that we've added new functionality to allow users to export the lines in their cart to a CSV file. 

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    Forward Order dates for orders awaiting approval — The Orders Approval widget has been updated to read and display the Forward Order date for an order (where a forward order date exists).
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    Social Sharing widget — A Social Sharing Plugin widget is now available for use in BPD. Insert the widget onto a template in the CMS, and configure customised content from Add This and other social sharing applications. The widget will then output the application's javascript on the page.
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    B2C Address Validation message options — New options have been added to the Delivery Address B2C widget, allowing the eCommerce Team to set the Address Lookup validation messages when mandatory fields have been left blank.
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    Order Rejected email to show rejected lines — A new option ("Show Rejected Order Lines?") has been added to the Email Order Summary widget. Enabling this option will include the rejected lines in the email summary to the user.
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    New label option for Freight — A new option ("Free Delivery Label") has been added to the Freight Options widget, allowing the eCommerce Team to configure the label displayed when $0 charge is applied. Previously, the label 'Free Delivery Promotion Applied' would show, but this was not appropriate in the scenario where a freight quote was required (and so a $0 charge was applied to the order).
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    MasterCard 2 series BIN range — Client and server-side support has been added for validation of the new 2 series BIN range for MasterCard numbers.



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    Login widget restriction lifted — The Login widget was previously restricted to the Login page template only. This was problematic for customers who wanted to add the widget to the Home Page (or any other page). Therefore, the restriction has been lifted and the widget can now be added anywhere.
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    Article Slider display fix — The Article Slider widget was not displaying articles in the correct format when the 'Show as Carousel?' option was enabled. This has been fixed.
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    Invoice Reprint file formats — The Invoice Reprint popup on the Account Enquiry page has been updated to read the same file format setting as the Order History page. In doing this, unavailable file formats (CSV, PDF) will not be offered to the user where they are not supported.
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    Loading indicator for large orders — When accessing a cart containing 100+ products, the load time waiting for cart lines to appear was excessive. This delay caused some users to think the cart was empty or the page had frozen. A new, user-friendly loading message has now been added for carts containing products.
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    Billing Address on order emails — The Billing Address section will no longer render on order emails if none of the relevant address fields are set. This fix was aimed primarily at B2B users, who generally don't require a Billing Address section on their order emails.
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    Authority to Leave location — The Authority To Leave delivery option has been updated with validation. Now, the user must select a location from the dropdown if they have ticked the Authority To Leave box during checkout.
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    Google Tag Manager & browser add-ons preventing checkout — In some scenarios, users with ad blockers installed on their browsers were unable to checkout on websites using Google Tag Manager. This has been fixed.
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    Forward Order tracking — Some users were unable to view Forward Orders in their Order History screen, due to a bug with the date selector not allowing future dates. This has been fixed.
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    Free Product Promo display fix — For Free Product promotions, it appeared that the promo was successfully applied without the user having to meet the minimum Quantity purchase requirement. In reality, the free product was not added until the requirement was met, but the cart display was confusing to the end user. This has now been fixed with updated messaging.
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    Free Product promo display in cart — The Order Line Promo Code widget has been updated to display Free Product information in the cart. This removes confusion for the user regarding whether their promo code has applied successfully (as in some scenarios the information was not displaying).
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    Sort by Description fix — For sites using the product Title instead of the standard Description field, the sorting would sometimes be incorrect (e.g. in cases where sorting was set to use Title field, but Description field was displayed, or for new products with a blank Title field). This has been fixed.
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    Product Media issues - YouTube icon and semicolon — In some versions, the YouTube icon was not appearing on the gallery thumbnail for products with YouTube videos loaded. There were also instances where a tiny semicolon was displaying in the corner of the product's main image. These issues have both been fixed.
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    Prev/Next buttons for product media gallery — In some scenarios, the previous / next buttons would not navigate the user through the files in the product media gallery. This has been fixed.
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    User email address containing "--" — Users with a double dash ("--") in their email address were experiencing errors on add to cart and checkout. This has been fixed.
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    Infinite scrolling with quotation marks in URL — Infinite scroll was being truncated in scenarios where the search term (and therefore, the URL) contained quotation marks. A code adjustment has now fixed this.
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    Delivery Address widget to honour Read Only setting — In some instances, the Delivery Address widget was not obeying the 'Read Only' setting during checkout. This has been fixed.
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    Order Imports to skip error lines — A new system setting has been added to flag whether error lines should be skipped during an Order Import. If set to Yes, the invalid lines will be skipped and the rest of the data will be processed. If set to No, the import will return an error message and the user will need to correct their data before re-importing.

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