Widget Use

Renders the relevant B2C billing and delivery address input fields during checkout.

Example of Widget Use

Where can the Widget be placed?

The widget can be used in the following templates:

  • Checkout Template
  • Checkout Quote Template
  • Guest Checkout Template
  • PayPal Express Template

Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short specific description of the widget's use.This description is added to the widget title. It makes the widget's use clear on the template page.All
LayerThe layer the widget is valid for. For this widget, the layer would generally be B2C.

Use layering to limit widget content to certain groups of users. 

To use the same widget for more than one user group but with different options set, add the widget as many times as needed in the same zone. Then add layering to define the user group each time. 

Use Suburb / State / Postcode Validation?

Whether the system is to validate address entered by the user.

IMPORTANT - If the value is changed here, contact Commerce Vision to ensure the same value is entered for server-side validation settings.

Default: No

Use dropdown to select Suburb and Postcode, or Suburb, State and Postcode


Use Google Address Lookup?

Whether Google Address Lookup is used when buyer starts entering their address. 

NOTE - This requires a Google Maps API Key. See: Create Google API Key

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable


(info) This feature is re-located into the Address Lookup tab from version 4.41+

Use Google Address Lookup Default Behaviour?

Whether the Google address should be the default.

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable


(info) This feature is re-located into the Address Lookup tab from version 4.41+

Use Store Pickup?Whether to offer the Pickup option to users during checkout (where there are pickup options available).

Default: enabled

Toggle to disable

Use Customer Reference?Whether to display the Customer Reference field.

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable

Create User Default Checked?Whether the 'Create Account' option is ticked by default during Guest Checkout.

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable

Show delivery address entry by defaultWhether the Delivery Address section is displayed by default, or whether it stays hidden until the user ticks the box to indicate 'My Delivery Address is different from Billing Address'.

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable

Show Company Name In AddressWhether to include a Company Name field.

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable

Hide State Field In AddressWhether a state field is displayed.

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable

Show CountryWhether to include the Country address field.

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable

Country and State OptionsAllows user to enter country and state options. 

Click Edit to enter a country and its states. 

Show Authority To Leave?Whether the Authority To Leave tick box and options are displayed during checkout.

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable

Capture First and Last Name Separately for Guest Users?Whether Guest Users are prompted to enter their First/Last names separately, or into a single field.

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable

NOTE - For sites using Zip, it is recommended that this option be enabled so that Guest Checkout splits the First & Last names into separate fields. This ensures the user information sent to zip is consistent with the data they expect to receive.

First Name Field PromptThe label for the First Name field (when the option to capture it separately is enabled)Default: First Name3.98
Last Name Field PromptThe label for the Last Name field (when the option to capture it separately is enabled)Default: Last Name3.98
Show Promo Material CheckboxDetermines whether promotion materials checkbox is displayed

Default: OFF

Toggle to enable

Pickup Instructions Are Mandatory?If pickup is selected by user, must they enter pickup instructions? 

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable

Pickup Instructions Required Error MessageError message shown when pickup instructions are mandatory and the user has not entered any.Default: Please enter pickup instructions.4.36
Delivery Instructions Are Mandatory?

If delivery is selected by user, must they enter delivery instructions?

When on, * indicates mandatory field.

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable

Delivery Instructions Required Error Message

Error message shown when delivery instructions are mandatory and the user tries to check out with no instructions.

Default: Please enter delivery instructions.

Maximum Length Of Order Comments

Allow comments to the orders on checkout. These comments are then written to a pre-determined field on the ERP order on integration.

Required Field4.38
Address Validation TitleThe heading text displayed on the Address Validation popup window.Default: Address Search3.81
Billing Details HeadingThe heading text displayed above the Contact & Billing Address section.Default: Contact / Billing AddressAll
Billing Details Heading IconThe icon displayed to the left of the Billing Details Heading text.

Default: cv-ico-general-user

Delivery Details HeadingThe heading text displayed above the Delivery Details section (when expanded).Default: Delivery AddressAll
Delivery Details Heading IconThe icon displayed to the left of the Delivery Details Heading text.

Default: cv-ico-general-truck

Delivery Options HeadingThe heading text displayed above the Delivery / Pickup selection.Default: Delivery OptionsAll
Delivery Options Heading IconThe icon displayed to the left of the Delivery Options Heading text.

Default: cv-ico-general-shipping

Delivery Option Delivery PromptThe text displayed for the Delivery option.Default: DeliveryAll
Delivery Option Pickup PromptThe text displayed for the Pickup option.Default: PickupAll
Customer Reference PromptThe text displayed for the Customer Reference field.Default: Customer ReferenceAll
Create User PromptThe text displayed next to the 'Create Account' option during Guest Checkout.Default: Create Account & Remember my details3.81
Delivery Instructions HeadingThe heading text displayed above the Delivery Instructions section.Default: Delivery InstructionsAll
Delivery Instructions Heading IconThe icon displayed to the left of the Delivery Instructions Heading text.

Default: cv-ico-general-truck

Delivery Instructions PromptThe text displayed for the Delivery Instructions field.Default: Delivery InstructionsAll
Pickup Instructions HeadingThe heading text displayed above the pickup details section.Default: Pickup InstructionsAll
Pickup Instructions Heading IconThe icon displayed to the left of the Pickup Instructions Heading text.

Default: cv-ico-general-truck

Pickup Instructions PromptThe text displayed for the Pickup Instructions field.Default: Pickup InstructionsAll
Order Comments PromptThe text displayed for the Order Comments field.Default: Order CommentsAll
Authority To Leave Updated Success MessageThe confirmation text displayed when the user changes/updates the selected Authority To Leave option.

Default: Authority to leave updated successfully

Note - only displayed if Address Validation is in use

Delivery Instructions Updated Success MessageThe notification text displayed after the user enters or updates Delivery Instructions.

Default: Delivery instructions updated successfully

Note - only displayed if Address Validation is in use

Pickup Instructions Updated Success MessageThe notification text displayed after the user enters or updates Pickup Instructions.

Default: Pickup instructions updated successfully

Note - only displayed if Address Validation is in use

Order Comments Updated Success MessageThe notification text displayed after the user enters or updates Order Comments.

Default: Order comments updated successfully

Note - only displayed if Address Validation is in use

Delivery Address Updated Success MessageThe notification text displayed after the user enters or updates their Delivery Address.

Default: Delivery address updated successfully

Note - only displayed if Address Validation is in use

Address Is Valid MessageThe notification text displayed to advise the user that their address has been validated and accepted.

Default: Your address is valid

Missing Delivery Address Fields MessageThe message text displayed when one or more of the mandatory address fields are left blank.Default: Not all the mandatory address fields have been populatedAll
My Address Checked Button LabelThe text displayed on the the 'Check Address' button once the user has successfully validated their address.Default: Address Checked3.81
Address Validation Button LabelThe text displayed on the button to select an address from the list.Default: Select3.81
Address Validation Cancel Button LabelThe text displayed on the button to cancel the address selection process.Default: Cancel3.81
Check My Address Button LabelThe text displayed on the button to initiate Address Validation.Default: Check My Address3.81
Authority to Leave

Leave At Alternative Location PromptThe text displayed with the Authority To Leave tick box.Default: Authority to leave at alternate location if you are unavailable3.81
Authority To LeavePrompt text for the Authority To Leave option.Default: Authority To Leave3.81
Authority To Leave OptionsSemicolon-separated list of authority to leave options, to be displayed in the rendered output.Default: Reception; Front Door; Front Porch; Front Verandah; In Carport; In Garage; In Letter Box; In Mail Box; Over Front Fence; Next To Wheelie Bins; Under Front Stairs3.81
Authority To Leave FormatThe format in which to display the Authority To Leave options when rendering in the output.Default: Authority To Leave {0} (with {0} representing the list of options from 'Authority To Leave Options')3.81
Where To Show Authority To Leave?Determines the placement of the Authority To Leave tick box and dropdown selector. Can be displayed either above or below the Delivery Instructions section.Default: Below Delivery Instructions
Address Lookup
Enable Address LookupThis setting + the feature setting need to be enabled for the address lookup provider functionality to work for this particular widget.

Default: Disabled

Toggle to Enable

Not a required option

Address Lookup Provider

The organisation supplying the table of valid addresses to be used in address lookup. Current options are:

  • Courier Post
  • QAS Live

This functionality will be moved into the 'Delivery Address Lookup Provider' feature from version 4.41+

Address Lookup Prompt  The label for the address input field.Default: Street Address3.88
Address Lookup Help  The help text for address input.Default: Start typing your address and select the right one from the list presented. If it does not appear on the list, please enter your address details manually3.88
Use Google Address Lookup Default Behaviour?

Whether the Google address should be the default.

NOTE - This requires a Google Maps API Key. See: Create Google API Key

Default: Enabled

Toggle to Disable

Not a required option

Select Address MessageThe prompt for the user to select their address from the suggestions list.Default: Please review the suggestions below and select the correct address to proceed3.88
No Address Found MessageThe message returned when the user's manually entered address does not match any in the lookup table.Default: There are no valid matches for that address, would you like to proceed with the address supplied?3.88
No Address Lookup Found Message

The message that is displayed within the suggestions drop down list.  This message is displayed when the lookup provider does not render any results.

The No Address Lookup Found Message is a linked resource.  This means if you update the message in one location it will update it across all widgets that are using the same resource.

Required Field4.41
Number Of SuggestionsThe number of options returned once the user starts typing their address into the input field.Default: 103.88
Minimum Lookup LengthThe number of characters the user must type before suggestions are returned.Default: 43.88
Show Additional Address Field?Allows an additional field to be included in the address lookup section.

Default: disabled

Toggle to enable

Billing Address Lookup Mandatory MessageThe message returned when the user does not enter a Billing Address and attempts to checkout.Default: Billing Address is mandatory3.91
Delivery Address Lookup Mandatory MessageThe message returned when the user does not enter a Delivery Address and attempts to checkout.Default: Delivery Address is mandatory3.91
Show Manual Address Input ConfirmationEnable the checkbox that ask the buyer to confirm that the manual address they have entered is correct.  

Default: Enabled

Toggle to Disable

Not a required option

Manual Address Input Confirmation Label

The message that the buyer will see when 'Show Manual Address Input Confirmation' is enabled.

The message to display to the buyer is to be typed in the WYSIWYG editor.

Required Field

Validation Manual Address Input Confirmation Required MessageThe error message that appears when the buyer does not confirm that they have entered in a manual delivery address

Required Field


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