- Account Activation Email Content Widget — Renders the message content in the Invitation to Register an Account email.
- B2B Registration Rejected Customer Email Template Widget — Renders the rejected email content when a B2B user's registration is not successful.
- B2C Registration Verification Notification Widget — Used in the B2C Registration Verification Notification email template to alert your online team or a staff member that a user has registered on your website.
- B2C Registration Verification Required Email Widget — Creates the content of the email notifying a B2C user they have to authenticate their email address after they register on your site.
- B2C Registration Verification User Notification Email Widget — Creates the content of the notification email sent to a B2C user after they have successfully verified their email address
- Budget Expiry Message Widget — Renders the content of the Budget Expiry Warning email, to advise the User their Customer budget is expiring soon and contains details of the remaining amount.
- Budget Remaining Message Widget — Renders the content and message of the Budget Remaining email to advise the user of the used and remaining amounts in their Customer or User budget.
- EFT Account Payment Detail Widget — Renders EFT (direct deposit) payment information, such as BSB and account numbers, plus invoice details, in the body of the EFT Account Payment email. This email is sent to users who pay invoices or pay down their account balance using EFT.
- General Email Widgets
- Email Company Information Widget — Renders company contact information in email output.
- Email Style Sheet Widget — Sets the background colours for the email template.
- Email Title Offline Order Widget — Displays the email title or heading on Order Confirmation and Order Shipped emails for non-web ('offline') orders.
- Email Title Widget — Displays the email title or heading.
- Inactive User Reminder Email Content Widget — Renders the content of the final inactive user warning email. For use with the Inactive User Management feature.
- Inactive User Warning Email Content Widget — Renders the content of the first inactive user warning email for the Inactive User Management feature.
- Order Confirmation Message Widget — Displays messages to the user on the Order Confirmation page.
- Order Email Widgets
- Email Delivery Instructions Widget — Renders delivery instructions and related order information in email output.
- Email Order Address Offline Order Widget — Renders the order's address information on Order Confirmation and Order Shipped emails for non-web ('offline') orders.
- Email Order Address Widget — Renders the order's address information in email output.
- Email Order Comments Widget — Renders order comments in email output.
- Email Order Details Information Widget — Renders additional order information (such as the user's order reference, email address, and customer code) in email output.
- Email Order Summary Widget — Renders the order lines and dollar totals in email output.
- Email Order Track Details Widget — Renders order Track & Trace information in email output.
- Order Field Static Widget — Renders an additional order field in email templates.
- Order Review Notes Widget — Renders the message for the email when a payment undergoes further review with Accertify fraud check.
- Order Review Rejected Notes Widget — Renders the message for the email when a payment has been reviewed and rejected by Accertify fraud check.
- Quoting Email Widgets
- Expired Quote Usage Request Email Information Widget — Renders the body text of the Expired Quote Usage Request email, which is sent to alert your business a user wants to use an expired quote.
- Quote Reminder Email Information Widget — Renders the body text of the Quote Reminder email, which is sent to the user to alert them a quote is expiring soon.
- Receipting Information Email Message Widget — Renders the message text (including customer name and code) in the Receipting Information email.
- Receipting Information Email Receipt List Widget — Renders the list of customer sales orders which have not been fully receipted in the Receipting Information email.
- Return Confirmation Address Widget — Renders the pickup address details on the confirmation page after the user submits their return request.
- Token Customer Credit Card Info Widget — Displays the message in credit card expiry reminder emails to Customers who have existing token payment set up.
- User Approval Rejected Message Widget — Renders the message content in the User Approval Rejected email. This email is triggered when a new B2B user is NOT approved for web access.
- User Approval Request Message Widget — Renders the message content in the User Approval Request email. This email is triggered when a new B2B user requests web access. The email is sent to the designated approver for that user's account.
- User Approval UnRejected Message Widget — Renders the message content in the User Approval Unrejected email. This email is triggered when a previously rejected B2B user is subsequently approved for web access. The email is sent to the designated approver for that user's account.
- User Deactivated Notification Email Content Widget — Renders the content of the permanently inactive user email for the Inactive User Management feature.
- User Debtor New User Details Widget — Renders the message content in the User Debtor New User email. This email is triggered when User Debtor 2-way Integration has been implemented and a new online user is created against an ERP customer account.
- User Debtor Warning / Error Widget — Renders the message content in the User Debtor Warning / Error email. This email is triggered when User Debtor two-way Integration has been implemented, and a conflict is detected between the ERP and online information. The actual content of the email is hardcoded, depending on the error message returned.
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