Widget Use

Displays the availability of products in the zoned product list view. This version is used for sites with Store Availability / Click and Collect functionality, in lieu of the standard 'Product List Availability' widget.


Example of Widget Use

Following is an example of the widget in use:


Where can the Widget be placed?

The widget can be used in the following templates:

  • Product List Item Zoned Template


Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short description of the widget's use.We recommended this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page.All
LayerThe layer the widget is valid for.

The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences.

This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user, or if the same widget is required for more than one audience, but different configuration is needed.

The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. 

Show Quantities?Determines whether the quantity on hand is displayed for available products.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Use Role Flag To Hide Availability?Determines whether the role flag 'Available Qty display' is used to show or hide product availability.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

In Stock PromptThe text displayed for available products.Default is: In Stock3.81
Out Of Stock PromptThe text displayed for unavailable products.Default is: Out Of Stock3.81
Availability Text
Delivery Available TextThe text displayed when the product is available for delivery.Default is: Available for Delivery3.81
Delivery Unavailable TextThe text displayed when the product is NOT available for delivery.Default is: Unavailable for Delivery3.81
Delivery Call To Order TextThe delivery text displayed when the product is a special order.Default is: Call To Order3.81
Delivery Select Product Attributes TextThe delivery text displayed for a master product, when the user has not yet selected options.Default is: Please select a product3.81
Delivery Available 2 to 5 Days TextThe text displayed when the product is available to be shipped from another warehouse, with a 2-5 day lead time.Default is: Available for Delivery in 2 to 5 Days 
Delivery Available 3 to 6 Days TextThe text displayed when the product is available to be shipped from another warehouse, with a 3-6 day lead time. Default is: Available for Delivery in 3 to 6 Days 
Delivery Available 5 to 7 Days TextThe text displayed when the product is available to be shipped from another warehouse, with a 5-7 day lead time. Default is: Available for Delivery in 5 to 7 Days 
Delivery Special Order TextThe text displayed when the product is classed as a special order, with no defined time frame.Default is: Special Order 
Pickup Available TextThe text displayed when the the product is available for pickup.Default is: Available for Pickup3.81
Pickup Unavailable TextThe text displayed when the the product is NOT available for pickup.Default is: Unavailable for Pickup3.81
Pickup Low Stock Call To Order TextThe text displayed when the product has limited stock for pickup at the selected location.Default is: Low Stock - Call To Order3.81
Pickup Call To Order TextThe pickup text displayed when the product is a special order.Default is: Call To Order3.81
Pickup Select Product Attributes TextThe pickup text displayed for a master product, when the user has not yet selected options.Default is: Please select a product3.81
Pickup Store Not Set TextThe text displayed when the user has not yet set their store, in which case the system is unable to calculate store pickup availability.Default is: Not Set3.81
Delivery Available TooltipThe help text displayed when the product is available for delivery.Default is: Available for Delivery3.81
Delivery Unavailable TooltipThe help text displayed when the product is NOT available for delivery.Default is: Unavailable for Delivery3.81
Delivery Call To Order TooltipThe delivery help text displayed when the product is a special order.Default is: Call To Order3.81
Delivery Select Product Attributes TooltipThe delivery help text displayed for a master product, when the user has not yet selected options.Default is: Please select a product3.81
Delivery Available 2 to 5 Days TooltipThe help text displayed when the product has a 2-5 day delivery lead time.Default is: Available for Delivery in 2 to 5 Days 
Delivery Available 3 to 6 Days TooltipThe help text displayed when the product has a 3-6 day delivery lead time.Default is: Available for Delivery in 3 to 6 Days 
Delivery Available 5 to 7 Days TooltipThe help text displayed when the product has a 5-7 day delivery lead time.Default is: Available for Delivery in 5 to 7 Days 
Delivery Special Order TooltipThe help text displayed when the product is classed as a special order.Default is: Special Order 
Pickup Available TooltipThe help text displayed when the the product is available for pickup.Default is: Available for Pickup3.81
Pickup Unavailable TooltipThe help text displayed when the the product is NOT available for pickup.Default is: Unavailable for Pickup3.81
Pickup Low Stock Call To Order TooltipThe help text displayed when the product has limited stock for pickup at the selected location.Default is: Low Stock - Call To Order3.81
Pickup Call To Order TooltipThe pickup help text displayed when the product is a special order.Default is: Call To Order3.81
Pickup Select Product Attributes TooltipThe pickup help text displayed for a master product, when the user has not yet selected options.Default is: Please select a product3.81
Pickup Store Not Set TooltipThe help text displayed when the user has not yet set their store, in which case the system is unable to calculate store pickup availability.Default is: Not Set3.81
Click and Collect
Nearby Pickup Availability Button TextThe text displayed on the Check Other Stores button.Default is: Check Other Stores 
Nearby Pickup Availability Modal HeadingThe heading text for the top of the modal window.Default is: In-Store Availability 
Nearby Pickup Availability Maximum StoresThe max number of store locations shown in the Check Nearby Stores modal window.Default is: 3 
Nearby Pickup Include Current Store In Check?Determines whether the currently selected store is included in the Check Nearby Stores modal window.

Default is: ticked

Untick to disable

Nearby Pickup No Availability MessageThe message text displayed when there are no nearby store locations with stock of the selected product.Default is: This item is either not currently available for pickup from any stores near to your current store, or there are no other stores close by. 
Nearby Pickup Available TextThe the text displayed when the product is available for pickup at a nearby store.Default is: Available for Pickup 
Nearby Pickup Low Stock Call To Order TextThe text displayed when the product has limited stock for pickup at a nearby store.Default is: Low Stock - Call To Order 
Nearby Pickup Available TooltipThe the tooltip displayed when the product is available for pickup at a nearby store.Default is: Available for Pickup 
Nearby Pickup Low Stock Call To Order TooltipThe tooltip displayed when the product has limited stock for pickup at a nearby store.Default is: Low Stock - Call To Order 






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