• This feature is automatically implemented as standard for 4.31+.
  • Contact Commerce Vision to disable this feature.
  • If your site uses custom canonical URLs and is being upgraded, Commerce Vision will contact you about affected pages and you can choose the canonical URL to use. 

Canonical URLs help SEO crawlers index public pages more efficiently by nominating a URL as the master one when there are possibly duplicate pages. The canonical URL is indexed and displayed in search results.

Here is a simple example. The home page for a site is a named page, e.g., 'bpduat.commerce.vision/home.aspx'.


A self-referent SEO URL / page route has been added so that the page name is not displayed in the URL. 

You can check if a page has a canonical link by inspecting the source code. While on a page, press F12 (or right-click, then Inspect). Look between the <head></head> tags for <link rel="canonical, followed by the canonical link. 


Standard implementation of canonical URLs follow this page/template guide:

Page/TemplateCanonical URLExample
Home (public)self-reference

Category (Product List), Product Detail, ArticleSEO URL

Category (Product List) page

Custom, other pagesPage Route URL

Custom page

NOTE - Some pages, e.g., Search Results, are not configured with canonical URLs. The <link rel="canonical will not be present.

Additional Info

Minimum Version Requirements




Self Configurable


Business Function


BPD Only?




Third Party Costs


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