There can be many reasons why a particular product may not appear on the web for a particular customer.
The "Product Enquiry Tool" allows you to determine why that might be happening. It will provide a step by step analysis of the product and customer data and tell you why a product is not appearing for a particular customer, and what steps you should take if you would like the product to be available to the customer.
Step-by-step guide
To determine why a product is not appearing:
- Login as an Administrator.
- Navigate to 'System Preferences'.
- Select the 'Tools' tab.
- Select the 'Product Enquiry' tab.
- Enter the following information:
- the Customer Code you wish to test
- the Product Code you wish to test
- the Role the user is logged in as
- Click the 'Enquire' button, and the system will perform the check for the parameters specified.
- The checks performed are listed
- Checks that have passed are shaded green.
- Checks that have not passed are shaded red, and will include an explanation of why the check did not pass.
- If any check has failed and displayed red, some action will need to be taken to make the product available for the customer.
- Click the 'Details' link on any of the check results to see a full description of the check performed and its results.
If you have done a manual send of products or product categories during the day, you will need to reset the cache for all customers so that these products can be seen. Use the 'Reset Cache for All Customers' button on this page to load the new products and categories to the site.
Checks Performed
Customer Exists
- Checks that the customer code exists in the web site database
Role Exists
- Checks that the role exists
Product Exists
- Checks that the product exists in the web site database. If it does not, you should check the product integration settings
Product is valid for display on the web
- Checks that the product is valid for display on the web. The product may exist in the database, but other flags and product field values can make the product invalid, and therefore not display. An explanation of any conditions not met will appear in the "details" section
Stock Security allows product display for the customer
- Data can be setup in your ERP system to restrict access of products to certain customers. If this setup is causing the item to not display for the customer you chose, you will be notified here. Please refer to your ERP Documentation on the various stock security rule definitions.
Stock Security Cache allows product display for the customer
- Stock security (which products a customer can see) is generally figured out when a user logs in, and cached for rest of the day. This avoids the system having to continually apply the stock security rules to determine what products to display. The results are cached. If the cache is causing a product to not display, the cache can be cleared. Please refer to your ERP Documentation on the various stock security rule definitions.
Product restrictions
- You can setup additional restrictions on the web site that may stop a product from appearing for a customer. If any of these restrictions are impacting the customer and product you have specified, this check will determine which restriction is causing the problem.
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