
Do you want to have a search tool just for the content pages on your site? Static pages such as articles, newsletters and blogs? In other words, pages other than product information. We have widened the existing Product Search widget functionality so that you can add a search tool just for content pages.Here is an example:    

Content Pages search

Search Results with Content page search

How does Content Search work?

By default, content pages is disabled in the Product Search Widget tool. When the search facility is set to search for such pages, the search engine will index publicly accessible pages so they can be findable.

Step-by-step guide

NOTE - This feature must first be enabled on your site by Commerce Vision.

Follow these steps to configure a 'Content Search' for your site.

1. Configure Content Search

  1. To turn on the Content Search feature, navigate to Settings → Feature Management → Content

  2. In the list of features, toggle on Content Search and click Configure.

  3. In the 'Content Search Settings' window, toggle on Enable Content Search Feature.

  4. In Page Content Reindex Task Start Date, set the schedule to a few minutes in the future.

  5. The Page Content Reindex Task Period in Minutes sets the amount of time before the system will reindex content pages after the date/time entered in Step 4. Accept the default or enter an alternative.

  6. Click Save and Exit to save and close the window.

2. Configure Indexing Settings

Content pages on your site need to be analysed and added to the search engine's database of web pages included in searches. The system takes advantage of Lucene's indexing and searching features to maximise its search capabilities.  

  1. In CMS, navigate to Advanced Settings → Lucene Search Settings.

  2. Select the Index Settings tab.

  3. To enable indexing, tick the Enabled checkbox.

  4. To save the settings, click Update.

  5. Click the Indexing tab.

  6. To reindex content pages, click the Reindex Page Content button.

    Every time you add a new content page or update an existing one to your site, the new content will only be searchable after reindexing.

3. Add a Product Search Widget (for your content page search)

The Search functionality is provided by adding a Product Search Widget to a template. In our example, the widget was added to the 'News' page/template.  

  1. In the page/template and in the zone you want to add a Search functionality, click Add Widget.

  2. Search for the Product Search Widget and add it. 
    Product Search widget

  3. In the Product Search widget, in Description, add a meaningful description of the widget's function.

  4. In Static Content Search, select 'Static Content Search'.

  5. In Use Suggestions?, decide whether the search box will display 'Suggestions', (i) or (ii).  (For more on 'Use Suggestions, refer to Product Search widget help.)

     (i) Toggle OFF: no content page suggestions will be displayed as the user types in the Search box. After typing in the keyword(s), the user clicks 'Search' or presses 'Enter' to run the search. 

    (ii) Toggle ON: web page suggestions will be displayed. Decide whether you want to set a maximum number of suggestions to display and go through the steps in either (a) or (b). (Note - if toggled on, content suggestions must have a maximum  number.)

    (a) Set no maximum number of results displayed

    1. Ensure Limit the Product and Static Content Result Returned? is off.

    2. Decide whether you want to use a 'Search Suggestions' heading. Scroll down to Show Search Suggestions Heading? and toggle on or off.

    3. If show heading is on, you can edit the heading text. Click the Titles tab and edit the Search Suggestions Heading Text

    (b) Limit maximum number of results displayed

    1. Ensure 'Limit the Product and Static Content Result Returned?' is on.   

    2. In 'Static Content Search Result to Display', enter the maximum number of results to display. 

    If there are more results than the maximum number, the button 'View More Pages' will appear for the user to click to view more results. 

    3. To edit the text in the 'View More Pages' button, click the Buttons tab and edit the content in View More Pages Button Text

    View More Pages button


    Note - Suggestions headings are not used and 'Related Pages' default instead.  

  6. When you have finished configuring the widget, click Save and if your site is in Page Preview mode, click Publish to effect the changes on your site.

4. Customise the Page Content Search Result template (optional)

You can edit the message that displays when a search yields no content results.

  1. Navigate to Content → Page & Templates → Other Page & Templates.

  2. Click Edit for the Page Content Search Result Widget. (For more information, see help for the widget.)

  3. Click the Notification tab and edit the message. 

  4. Click Save, and if you have your site set to Page Preview, then click Publish to effect the changes.

5. Configure the Product List Title widget

  1. Navigate to Content → Page & Templates → Products → Product List.

  2. The Product List Title widget should be at the top of the Product List page. Click Edit.

  3. The Static Web Pages Found Message displays text relating to search results for content pages. In the default message '{0} web page(s) found with contents related to your search', '{0}' = the number of pages found.
    Change the message to suit the tone of your business if required. 
    Product List Title widget

  4. Click Save at the bottom of the page. If your site is set to 'Page Preview', click Publish to effect the changes on your site.

6. Test the Content Page search tool

Once Content Page search is configured, you can test it to ensure it is as required for your website.

  1. Perform a search to see what results are returned. What is displayed depends on the configurations entered in the Product List Title widget.

    If you search returns no results, the "no results" message from the Product Search Widget's notification tab is displayed.

Additional Information

Minimum Version Requirements



Content other than Products and Categories

Self Configurable


Business Function


BPD Only?




Ballpark Hours From CV (if opting for CV to complete self config component)

Contact CV Support

Ballpark Hours From CV (in addition to any self config required)

Contact CV Support

Third Party Costs


CMS Category

Advanced Settings Lucene

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