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The administrator can add new users, user customers, change user IDs or delete website user records one by one by manually creating records individually. However, if there are many records to add or edit, they can be bulk imported via the CSV user import feature. Just prepare the CSV file with each row corresponding to a required or optional fields user record. Example templates can be downloaded from this page.

Import User Records

This procedure adds new users. The first row of the CSV file will list the fields you can bulk import for user records. Each subsequent row contains a user record. Fields that are marked with * are mandatory. Some fields may not be in use on your site.

The following fields are used when importing a user. Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Field NameField Description
EmailAddress*User ID (in most cases, the User ID is the user's email address)
NotifyEmailAddress*Contact Email Address
DeactivatedShould user be disabled upon creation? Enter 'Yes' or 'No'. If 'Yes', the user will not be able to login until 'Disabled' is removed in the CMS. NOTE - If left blank, the default 'No' will apply. This means the user will automatically be able to login to your website and receive notification of new user registration.
FirstNameFirst Name
LastNameLast Name
ConfirmPasswordForce the user to change their password when they first login to your website after the import. Enter 'Yes' or 'No'. NOTE - If left blank, the default 'No' will apply. This means the user does not have to change their password the first time they login.
JobTitleJob Title
PhoneNumber*Contact Phone Number
Fax NumberFax Number
DefaultCostCentre(Only applicable if Cost Centre feature is used.) Default Cost Centre. See guide on Cost Centres
CustomerCode*Default Customer Account. See guide on Default Customer Account
GlobalCatalogueAccessCan the user view the entre product range? Enter 'Denied', 'Full', 'ViewOnly', or leave blank if custom catalogues are not used.
OrdersApprovedByFor use with order approvals feature.
SpecialInstructionsSpecial Instructions
ContractItemsOnlyContract Items Only. Enter 'Yes' or 'No'.
InitialRole*Initial Role
ApprovalType(Only applicable if Approvals has been set up for this user or customer account.) Enter: SPU, MPU, SPA, MPA, MPAS, H, HC, HAL or leave blank
ApproveNonContract(Only applicable if Approvals has been set up for this user or customer account.) Enter 'Yes' or 'No'.
DenyApprovalProductEntryDeny Product Entry on Approval. Enter 'Yes' or 'No'
AllowApprovalProductEntryAllow Product Entry on Approval. Enter 'Yes' or 'No'.

1. Create CSV file

Download this csv template or follow the instructions to create one.


To create the CSV file for import: 

  1. In an editor such as Notepad, open a new text file. You can also use Excel. 

    1. Copy the header text.
    EmailAddress, NotifyEmailAddress, Deactivated, FirstName, Surname, Password, ConfirmPassword, JobTitle, Section, PhoneNumber, FaxNumber, DefaultCostCentre, CustomerCode, GlobalCatalogueAccess, OrdersApprovedBy, SpecialInstructions, ContractItemsOnly, InitialRole, ApprovalType, ApproveNonContract, DenyApprovalProductEntry, AllowApprovalProductEntry

    2. Open a blank Excel worksheet.

    3. Click to select the first row in the first column,

    4. Paste the text into the cell.

    5. In the popup window, select the Data menu, then click Text to Columns.

    6. Select Delimited, then Next.

    7. Tick Comma. If it’s correct, you’ll see lines between each row of data.

    8. Click Next.

    8. Click Finish

    9. Save the file. The data will now be correctly formatted into the columns.

  2. Copy and paste the following text into the file: 
    EmailAddress, NotifyEmailAddress, Deactivated, FirstName, Surname, Password, ConfirmPassword, JobTitle, Section, PhoneNumber, FaxNumber, DefaultCostCentre, CustomerCode, GlobalCatalogueAccess, OrdersApprovedBy, SpecialInstructions, ContractItemsOnly, InitialRole, ApprovalType, ApproveNonContract, DenyApprovalProductEntry, AllowApprovalProductEntry

  3. Save the file with an extension of .csv

2. Populate the CSV file with records

  1. Open this CSV file in Excel. The header text (fields) should be displayed in Row 1 (Line 1) of the first 22 columns. 

    The CSV file should look like this (in Excel):

  2. Enter one user record per row. This means User 1 occupies Row 2 (Line 2), etc. NOTE - Some fields are mandatory. If a mandatory field is not populated for a user record, the user will not be uploaded. Also, your site may not be using all optional fields. If not used, leave blank.

  3. When all records have been entered, save the file.   

3. Upload CSV file

To upload the prepared CSV file to your website:

  1. In the CMS, navigate to UsersUser Imports. Or when logged in as Administrator on your site, AccountsUser Import (/zUserImport.aspx). NOTE - If this page has not been set up for your website, you can add it using the Add New Menu Item function.

  2. In the first section of the page called 'Enter or browse for the flat file containing your User CSV file to be imported.', click the Choose File button.

  3. Select the CSV file. Once selected, the file name displays next to Choose File.

  4. To have a registration notification emailed to every new user, tick Send Notification email to all imported users. NOTE - Users flagged as initially deactivated will not be sent an email notification.
  5. Scroll down and click the Import Now button. 

  6. Check the message box below 'Import Now' to verify your import is successful. Any skipped rows and errors will be displayed. 

Import User Customer records

The process of bulk importing User Customer records is similar to importing user customers. User Customer records are typically used when a user is associated with more than one customer account. To bulk import user customers, the user ID (EmailAddress) must already exist as a website user.

Field NameField Description
EmailAddress*User ID (in most cases, the User ID is the user's email address)
CustomerCode*Customer account code
InitialRole*Initial user role
ApprovalLimit*Approval Limit. The maximum order limit this user can approve.
OrderLimit*Order Limit. The maximum amount this user can order before approval is required.
ReqLimit*Requisition Limit. The maximum amount of an order for this user in this customer account. 
ApprovalGroupIf approval groups are used for this customer, enter the Approval Group code assigned to this user.
ApprovalMinimumEnter the minimum amount this user can approve.
HideInAccountSelectEnter 'Yes' or 'No'. If 'yes', this customer account will be hidden from selection and account switching when the user logs onto your website. 

User ID

The required CSV template is provided here or you can create one yourself. 


Fields for User Customer Records

If you're creating one yourself, copy and paste the following header fields into your file:

EmailAddress, CustomerCode, InitialRole, ApprovalLimit, OrderLimit, ReqLimit, ApprovalGroup, ApprovalMinimum, HideInAccountSelect

Import User ID Changes

The process of bulk importing User ID changes to user records is similar to importing user customers.

Field NameField Description
Current User ID*Current user ID (in most cases, the User ID is the user's email address)
New User ID*New user ID
New Notify Email AddressLeave blank if the email address will remain the same

The required CSV template is provided here or you can create one yourself. 


Fields for User Customer Records

If you're creating one yourself, copy and paste the following header fields into your file:

Current User ID, New User ID, New Notify Email Address

Import Message

The import message will always show Line 1 (header line) as skipped. 

Import User Deletions, Activations and Permanent Inactivations

The process of bulk importing User deletions, activations and inactivations is similar to importing user customers. NOTE - A user can be deleted from a particular customer account only if they have no active orders and they are associated with more than one customer account.

Field NameField Description
EmailAddress*Current user ID (in most cases, the User ID is the user's email address)
CustomerCodeEnter the customer code if you wish only to remove the user from this customer account. NOTE - You cannot enter a customer code and permanently inactivate a user at the same time. 
IsPermanentlyInactiveEnter 'I' for Inactive and 'A' for Active. Leave blank if deleting user from a customer account via the CustomerCode field.
IsPermanentlyInactiveNoteIf permanently inactivating the user, enter a note if you wish.

The required CSV template is provided here or you can create one yourself. 

Fields for User Customer Records

If you're creating one yourself, copy and paste the following header fields into your file:

EmailAddress, CustomerCode, IsPermanentlyInactive, IsPermanentlyInactiveNote

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