Widget Use
Displays a summary of charges and discounts for the current order.Example of Widget Use
Following is an example of the widget in use:
Where can the Widget be placed?
The widget can be used in the following templates:
- Cart Template
Widget Options
Third Party Payment Settings
For help on Zip, Afterpay, Openpay and Payright fields, see the relevant sections in the Product Purchase Details Widget help.
Option | Use | Comments | Available from Version |
Description | A short description of the widget's use. | We recommend this field be updated so the widget's purpose is clear at a glance from the template page. | All |
Layer | The layer the widget is valid for. | The layering technology allows for the content to be shown to specific audiences. This is handy if the content is only valid for a certain type of user or if the same widget is required for more than one audience but different configurations are needed. The widget can be added to the zone more than once and the layer feature can determine which audience can see each widget. | All |
Subtotal Prompt | Text displayed for the order subtotal line. | Depending on the customer type, this text will be appended with '(inc GST)' or '(ex GST)', with the 'GST' text defined in the 'GST Prompt' field. Default: Subtotal | All |
Charges Prompt | Text displayed for the charge summary line. | Default: Charges | All |
Discounts Prompt | Text displayed for the discount summary line. This could relate to customer discounts, promotional discounts, etc. | Default: Discounts | All |
GST Prompt | Text displayed to identify the tax component of the summary. This is used in the (inc XXX) / (ex XXX) appended to the order Subtotal. | Default: GST | All |
Including GST Prompt (inc tax) | The text displayed for the tax summary line where the tax component has already been included in the subtotal, e.g., B2C users. | Default: Including GST | All |
Including GST Prompt (ex tax) | Text displayed for the tax summary line where the tax is being added to an ex tax subtotal, e.g., B2B users. | Default: Plus GST | All |
Warranty Claim Sub Total Prompt | Label for the subtotal on warranty claim orders. | Default: | 3.94 |
Warranty Claim Service Products Sub Total Prompt | Label for the service products subtotal on warranty claim orders. | Default: | 3.94 |
Show Promotional Code Expiry Date? | Determines whether the expiry date of the applied promo code is included in the cart order summary. | Default: OFF Toggle to enable | 3.95 |
Promotional Code Expiry Date Prompt | Label for the promo code expiry date. {0} - placeholder for actual promotion's expiry date. | Default: This Promotional Code expires on: {0} | 3.95 |
Show Zero Dollar Freight Charge? | Determines whether freight charges of $0 are displayed in the cart order summary. | Default: ON Toggle to disable | 3.98 |
Strip Zero Decimal Amounts | Determines whether zeroes after the decimal point are left out when the price has zero cents, e.g., $10 or $10.00. | Default: OFF Toggle to enable | All |
Braintree | |||
PayPal Pay Later Messaging Options | (Only if Braintree Payments is used) Allows editing of the PayPal Pay in 4 marketing tag line that displays in the Cart Order Summary page. For more details, see: Pay in 4. | Default: | 4.31 |
Force Hide Pay Later Message | Determines if the Pay in 4 message is displayed in the Cart Order Summary page. When Braintree Payments is active, this message is automatically displayed. Toggle ON to hide the message. | Default: OFF Toggle to enable | 4.31 |
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