- Add Product To Order Template Widget — Renders the 'Add To Order Template' button on the product detail page. This allows the user to add a product to a new or existing order template, without having to navigate to the shopping cart first.
- Alternate Product Substitute Widget — Places the 'Substitute' button on products in the Alternates Popup.
- Cart Functions Widget Library
- Alternates Order Line Widget — Places a 'Show Alternates' button against unavailable products in the cart.
- Cart Buttons Widget — Renders the set of buttons in the Cart used for accessing further functions such as updating an order or emptying the cart.
- Cart Cancel Quote Button Widget — Renders the 'Cancel Quote' button in the cart and during checkout (once the user has added items and opted to 'Request Quote'). Clicking this removes the items from the cart and cancel the quote request.
- Cart Checkout Button Widget — Places the 'Checkout' button in the shopping cart. This navigates the user from the cart to the next step of their order, the delivery address details.
- Cart Fast Order Entry Widget — Adds input lines to the cart page so users can add products directly to the order. The user can enter product codes and quantities, or use a search tool.
- Cart Freight Estimator Widget — Displays a freight estimate widget, whereby users can obtain a freight quote based on their cart contents and postcode.
- Cart Order Summary Totals Widget — Displays a summary of charges and discounts for the current order.
- Cart Promotional Code Entry Widget — Used for the entry of promotion codes in the shopping cart. The user enters the code and clicks to apply it to their order.
- Cart Quote Button Widget — Places the 'Request Quote' button in the shopping cart. This submits the order as a quote, rather than proceeding through checkout and completing payment.
- Cart Summary Widget — Provides a summary of cart contents, display a preview of order lines and their total costs, and link to the shopping cart.
- Header Level Cost Centre Widget — Renders the cost centre input field on the order header in the shopping cart.
- Quantity In Cart Widget — Renders the quantity currently in the user's cart on the zoned product list tile (search results, products in a category, favourites, etc.).
- Stock Availability Popup Widget — Displays a button in the cart next to out of stock products. The button launches a popup window so the user can elect to be notified when products are back in stock.
- Checkout Functions Widget Library
- Checkout Continue Button Widget — Places the 'Continue To Payment' button on the delivery address page of the checkout process.
- Checkout Field Groups Widget — Displays a pre-defined field group at checkout in order to collect additional, perhaps specialised information from users.
- Checkout Review Addresses B2B Widget — Displays billing and delivery address information for the B2B user to review prior to payment.
- Checkout Review Addresses B2C Widget — Displays billing and delivery address information for the B2C user to review prior to payment.
- Checkout Review Summary Widget — Displays a summary of the order for the user to review before proceeding to payment.
- Checkout Steps Widget — Displays a visual representation of the checkout process, and indicates the user's progress through the various stages.
- Gift Card Balance Widget — Places the Gift Card use option in the checkout page, enabling users to pay with a gift card or redeem part of their gift card balance.
- Guest Checkout Expand Button Widget — Renders the Guest Checkout button on the login page, which acts as a toggle to expand all of the guest checkout fields on click.
- Configure Schedule for Standing Order Button Widget — Places the 'Schedule Standing Order' button in checkout. This navigates the User to the Schedule for Standing Order page for the next step of creating a recurring order.
- Country Select Widget — Renders a modal window in which users can select their country, enabling the display of region-specific information ($USD, for example).
- Delivery Address B2B Widget — Renders the B2B address input fields during checkout.
- Delivery Address B2C Widget — Renders the relevant B2C billing and delivery address input fields during checkout.
- Delivery Method Widget — Renders a selector for the User to nominate a delivery method on a per-order basis. This selection determines the freight calculation method, which could be one of the following:
- Delivery Options - Click And Collect Widget — Allows the User to select either the Delivery or Pickup option while still in the shopping cart. For sites using the Click and Collect functionality.
- Display Customer Currency Widget — Displays the default currency set for a Customer based on login for websites operating in international markets.
- Excel Export Button Widget — Places the 'Export to Excel' button in the shopping cart and enables the User to have their cart contents emailed to them in an Excel file.
- Forward Orders Widget — Renders the Preferred Delivery Date options on the Checkout page. With this widget, the user can select their preferred delivery date and leave contact information for the order.
- Online Quote Validation Widget — Renders the appropriate message to the user after the current status of an online quote accessed via an email link is validated.
- Order Confirmation Address B2B Widget — Displays the B2B user's address and delivery information on the Order Confirmation page.
- Order Confirmation Address B2C Widget — Displays the B2C user's address and delivery information on the Order Confirmation page.
- Order Confirmation Payment Info Widget — Renders EFT and BPAY payment details where the bank receipt number is not required from the user, or the pickup deposit on the Order Confirmation page .
- Order Declined Pending 3rd Party Installment Msg Widget — Renders the message body for the email sent when the user selects to sign up and pay with a Buy Now Pay Later provider but approval is subject to further checks.
- Order Documents Widget — Enables users to upload documents to their order via the Cart or Checkout page. The documents are stored on the server and can be accessed via a link on an email template (such as the Order Placed email).
- Order Import Widget — Renders the bulk Order Import function on the Order Import Page. Users can import order data directly to the cart via CSV files or by pasting data into an import window. .
- Order Approvals Widget Library
- Email Order Approval Buttons Widget — Renders either the Approve & Reject buttons, or a link to the website on the 'Order Requires Approval' email.
- Email Order Approval Log Information Widget — Renders order approval / rejection log details on the email to the submitting user. Includes time stamps and actions of the approving user. Please note - this information will only render when 'Show Approval Details' is enabled on the Track Order Widget.
- Order Approval New Approver Message Widget — Renders the message content, including the reason for change of approver, in the Order Approval New Approver email.
- Order Approval Replaced Approver Message Widget — Renders the message content (including the new approver's name and the reason for change of approver), in the Order Approval Approver Replaced email.
- Order Approval Status Message Widget — Acts as a messaging widget for the various 'Process Order Approval_...' standard page templates. When the user is directed to one of these pages, this widget displays the appropriate approval message.
- Order Approver Proxy Approved Email Message Widget — Renders the message content (including the proxy approver's name and customer code), in the Order Approver Proxy Approved email.
- Order Rejected Reason Widget — Renders the Approver's rejection notes on the Order Rejected email sent to the user.
- Orders Approval Order Summary Widget — Renders order summary information on the Orders Approval Order Sub Template.
- Orders Approval Widget — Renders order approval functionality on the Process Orders Approval page. This includes the ability to view, update, approve, and reject orders placed by other users.
- Select Approver Widget — Renders the approval options for orders which can't be submitted directly, but must first be submitted for approval within the user's organisation.
- User Approval Granted Message Widget — Renders the message content in the User Approval Granted email. This email is triggered when a new B2B user is approved for web access.
- Warranty Claim Submit Button Widget — Renders the Submit button on the Warranty Claim entry form.
- Order Line Widget Library
- Order Line Additional Info Static Widget — Renders additional product information (such as bonus items and product charge lines) in static scenarios such as the Order Confirmation page and email.
- Order Line Additional Info Widget — Renders additional product information (such as bonus items and product charge lines) in dynamic scenarios such as the cart and checkout page.
- Order Line Availability - Click and Collect Widget — Displays product availability and delivery methods at the order line level in dynamic scenarios such as the cart when Click & Collect is enabled.
- Order Line Availability Static Widget — Displays product availability at the order line level in static scenarios such as the order confirmation page.
- Order Line Availability Widget — Displays product availability at the order line level in dynamic scenarios such as the cart.
- Order Line Click And Collect Static Widget — Displays product availability at the order line level in static scenarios such as the Order Confirmation page. This version is used for sites with Store Availability / Click and Collect functionality, in lieu of the standard 'Order Line Availability Static' widget.
- Order Line Click And Collect Widget — Displays product availability at the order line level in dynamic scenarios such as the cart. This version is used for sites with Store Availability / Click and Collect functionality, in lieu of the standard 'Order Line Availability' widget.
- Order Line Cluster Is Compulsory Widget — Renders an icon and text to indicate compulsory products in the shopping cart.
- Order Line Cluster Suggested Qty Widget — Renders a prompt plus numeric value to indicate the suggested purchase quantity for products in the shopping cart.
- Order Line Cost Centre Widget — Renders the cost centre input field on products in an order template. Can also be used in the Order Lines Info template for the cart, which will give the user 2 input fields on each line.
- Order Line Description Static Widget — Renders the product description at the order line level in static scenarios such as the order confirmation email.
- Order Line Description Widget — Renders the product description at the order line level in dynamic scenarios such as the cart.
- Order Line Field Static Widget — Renders an additional product or order line field in static scenarios such as the order confirmation page and email.
- Order Line Field Widget — Renders an additional product or order line field in dynamic scenarios such as the cart.
- Order Line Price Break Indicator Widget — Advises the user of the next price break quantity level for products in their cart.
- Order Line Product Code Static Widget — Renders the product code at the order line level in static scenarios such as the order confirmation email.
- Order Line Product Code Widget — Renders the product code at the order line level in dynamic scenarios such as the cart and in order templates.
- Order Line Promo Code Static Widget — Displays promotional information (such as promo description) at the order line level in static scenarios such as the order confirmation page.
- Order Line Promo Code Widget — Displays promotional information (such as promo description) at the order line level in dynamic scenarios such as the cart.
- Order Line Qty On Back Order Widget — Displays the quantity of product currently on backorder for the logged in customer. Applicable to the cart view.
- Order Lines Widget — Displays the products in the user's current order.
- Order Line Unit Description Widget — Renders the product's unit of issue in order line scenarios such as the Cart or Order Templates page.
- Order Summary And Lines Static Widget — Renders the order summary and lines in static scenarios such as the order confirmation page.
- Order Template Cost Centre Widget — Renders the cost centre input field on each product line in an order template.
- Order Template Notes Widget — Renders the notes input field on product lines in an Order Template. Note that this widget only displays where Notes have been enabled at the role level, via the 'Enable Order Line Notes' flag.
- Order Template Sequence Widget — Enables drag and drop re-sequencing of Order Template lines on desktop and tablet browsers.
- Order Templates Widget — Displays the lines of the saved order template.
- Postcode Entry Popup Widget — Displays a modal window to allow the user to set the postcode for their order. This launches automatically on the user's first navigation to the cart, or can be accessed later via a link in the site header.
- Print Order Widget — Determines options to include within the Print Order page template.
- Quick Order Form Lines Widget — Renders Quick Order Entry lines on a page, in a configurable format.
- Quote Order Switch Button Widget — Renders the 'Change Order to Quote' or 'Change Quote to Order' button on the delivery address page of checkout. This widget is used with enhanced quoting functionality, in which users can change the contents of their cart to a Quote request, and back to an order again.
- Quote Review Widget — Controls the options and text in the Quote Review search tool and page.
- Quote Submitted Message Widget — Renders the message text in the body of the Quote Submitted email, which gets sent to the site Administrator when a customer requests a quote on their shopping cart.
- SignalR Print Order Button Widget — Add a print button with configurable text to enable your customers to print orders in PDF format to a printer.
- Stock Dialog Widget — Displays the Stock to Receive Detail dialog window.
- Stock Levels Widget — Displays Stock Levels page.
- Stock to Receive Widget — Displays the Stock to Receive page.
- Returns Widget Library
- Return Confirmation Message Widget — Renders messages to the user on the confirmation page, advising them that their return is in progress and any next steps.
- Return Confirmation Return Info Widget — Renders the return details (reason, number of parcels) on the confirmation page after the user submits their return request.
- Return Confirmation Summary and Lines Static Widget — Renders the return order lines (product, quantity, price, etc.) on the confirmation page after the user submits their return request.
- Return Information Widget — Renders the details input section (reason, number of parcels) on the returns entry page.
- Return Lines Widget — Renders the return order lines (product, quantity, price, etc.) on the return entry page.
- Standing Orders Widget Library
- Schedule Standing Order Panel Widget — Renders messaging for the Schedule Standing Order panel as well as allowing a terms and conditions option which the User has to accept when creating a standing order.
- Standing Order Due Days Widget — Inserts the message stating the number of days a recurring order is due to be placed. Used for standing orders only.
- Standing Order Message Widget — Inserts standing order messages in email notifications for recurring orders placed from standing orders.
- Standing Order Removed Lines Widget — Inserts a message in an order notification email for a recurring standing order if any products have been removed due to unavailability.
- Standing Order Schedule Information Widget — Renders the heading text for the recurrence details section of the standing order details screen.
- Warranty Claims Widget Library
- Warranty Claim Checkout Field Group Widget — Displays the Fault Information section of the Warranty Claim entry form. The actual fields here are determined by what's in your site's 'Warranty Claim Entry Field Group'.
- Warranty Claim Lines Widget — Renders the content on the Warranty Claim entry form. This includes lines, field prompts, tooltips, and notifications to the user.
- Warranty Claim Reset Button Widget — Renders the Reset button on the Warranty Claim entry form. Clicking this will reset all fields to blank (or back to their default values).
- Warranty Claim Start New Button Widget — Renders the Start New Claim button on the confirmation page. The user sees this page once they have successfully submitted their claim; this button allows them to proceed straight to the next claim entry.
- Change Order Account Widget — Changes the account code for the current order.
- Order Payment Links Form Widget — Renders an order details stepper with an order form that can be automatically populated with query strings, and/or manually entered by the user. The form doesn't validate the order details are accurate in order to stay both secure and accessible to unauthenticated users.
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