(Formerly known as the ProductCategory Product Summary widget)

Widget Use

Renders a subset of products in a campaign slider format for each category level. The product list is updated regularly via a stored procedure, and requires custom implementation.

Example of Widget Use

In this example, each green circled area shows the category summary for a subcategory of 'Safety & First Aid'. 

Where can the Widget be placed?

  • Product List Template

Widget Options

OptionUseCommentsAvailable from Version
DescriptionA short description of the widget's use.This description is added to the widget title. It makes the widget's use clear on the template page.All
LayerThe layer the widget is valid for.

Use layering to limit widget content to certain groups of users. 

To use the same widget for more than one user group but with different options set, add the widget as many times as needed in the same zone. Then add layering to define the user group each time. 

View All LabelThe text for the link to all products in the category.Default is: View All3.87
Show As List?Determines whether the products are to be displayed in a tiled list format, rather than as a slider. If ticked, the products are laid out in list format and the slider is disabled.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Show Next/Previous Buttons? 

Determines whether Next / Previous links are displayed on the left and right of the slider. Clicking these navigates through the campaign products one tile at a time.

Only applies when products are NOT shown in list format.

Default is: unticked

Tick to enable

Max Number of Products Per CategoryAllows you to set the maximum number of products to be displayed per category heading. Blank or 0 = show all.

Other Widgets